Why smart agencies choose Plate Multisite CMS.

Dear agencies,

Just between us: we know you love your trusted Content Management Systems. But let's be honest, when it comes to multisite projects, those standard CMSs often fall short.

One-size-fits-all CMS for a multisite solution?

We get it, you've invested years in your current CMS. But let's be honest: when you take on a multisite project, a standard CMS often feels like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. You end up with a Frankenstein solution that's not only expensive to build but also a maintenance nightmare.

And who suffers because of that? Right, your client. They have to pay a lot and wait a long time for simple updates. And if the client is unhappy, guess who takes the blame?

LeadBot Plate CMS

"The main reason we, as an agency, partner with Plate's multisite CMS is the incredible simplicity in content management and the user-friendly backend. Especially when dealing with multiple websites under one brand umbrella. This allows us to gradually build a strong online brand for our B2B clients, within the framework of a consistent online brand identity, but with the flexibility to quickly set up campaign pages and integrate with third-party business software such as CRM or ATS systems... Oh, and in the 5 years we've been working with Plate, we've never had any issues with security."

Vincent van Dijck

Vincent van Dijck

Managing Partner, Strangelove

A sustainable revenue model

A sustainable revenue model

With Plate, you no longer need to develop custom CMS configurations. You create value by offering advice and implementation. And because Plate is an all-in-one multisite solution, there are no hidden costs. This makes it easier to calculate your ROI and convince your clients of the value you provide. Your clients continue to use your services for longer because the technology is not a reason to opt out. And here's another great advantage, as long as your client continues to use Plate, you receive a nice annual kickback fee on the license.

By offering your client various CMS options, you give them control and confidence to make an informed choice. This is not only good for the client but also for you. Satisfied clients are loyal clients, and loyal clients ensure continuity in the organization.


So, dear agencies, it's time to take the leap. Stop trying to force standard CMSs into roles they weren't initially designed for.

With Plate, you get a specialized, efficient, and cost-saving platform that helps you elevate your projects to the next level.

Want to experience the power of Plate multisite? Book a demo on the right or read our multisite success stories.