Franchise en Retail
The success of a franchise or retail formula stems from the advantages of scale and synergy. And the online world plays an increasingly larger and more important role in this.
Online is the place where the search of your target group starts and where your target group looks for information to confirm their interest and purchase.
More communication, less concern
Websites for franchise and retail concepts
Whether you are a franchisee or a franchisor, internal and external communication is extremely important. As a franchisee, you want to have your own, distinctive face, but as a franchisor, you want consistency between the different franchisees. This is no different in retail. As an establishment, you want to be distinctive and be visible and findable locally, but as a retail organisation, you want to have a consistent image to the outside world.
Forget tailor-made work, meet the new standard
Combining the wishes of all parties in franchising and retailing seems complicated to achieve. At least, not without a good dose of customisation. Discover the 'more' value of Plate. Our multisite concept gives you more. And better! Create a template for your franchise or retail formula that you can copy endlessly, content that you can synchronise from one site to another. And easily regulate things like management and adding specific information.
Which way do you want to develop?
Want to see if you are better off with Plate? Discover our working method and all its advantages. This could just be the step towards a growth-ready future!
Which way do you want to develop?
Want to see if you are better off with Plate? Discover our working method and all its advantages.
This might just be the step towards a growth-ready future!