Sneak peak: Content Management updates in Plate
Johannes Baas

Johannes Baas

Sneak peak: Content Management updates in Plate

The next few months are dedicated to the development of a number of features guaranteed to make you happy as a content manager in Plate: Content Library and Multi Content. In this blog you will get a sneak peak of our new Content Management features.

As you know, we at Plate have been building a CMS for more than 10 years with which we want to give you as Content Manager as much autonomy as possible over your websites and the content on them. One of the key features that contributes to autonomous management is our visual content editor that allows you to intuitively and quickly create beautiful content experiences with the building blocks within the CMS.With Plate, you're not working in the back-end to place content only to see at the front-end how your experience did not turn out the way you had in mind, but you create the most beautiful experiences for your site visitors directly visible on the page.

Content Library

Content Managers are very happy with our visual CMS but we find that websites with many Content Types and relationships between content need more overview and insight.


A simple example to illustrate this. A blog has an author with a name, profile picture and position. As a Content Manager in Plate, you add this blog in the visual editor and select an existing author (reference) or you create a new author. Then you save the blog and a page is created where the values just entered are neatly placed in the corresponding template.

Now suppose the selected author has written 100 blogs, it is currently not possible in Plate to see in a handy overview which blogs belong to this author, or what other content is related to that author.

The current Dashboard in Plate does provide an overview of 'Content' and 'Content References' but these two components are not yet well integrated. For that reason, we are currently developing a first version of the Plate Content Library that will give you an advanced environment for Content Management at scale.

Some features within the Content Library you can expect:

  • Overview of all Content with values,
  • Search within all Content with extended filters,
  • Sorting of Content,
  • Understanding Content References,
  • Customizing Content.

Impression of the new Content Library

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In short: lots of great things to look forward to as a Content Manager!

Multi Content

In addition to the new Content Library, we are hard at work developing Multi Content. Those who know Plate know that we excel when it comes to multi site management, efficiently managing websites within your company or organization from a generic set of functionality for your sites. It has been a long-held desire, in addition to sharing functionality within a network of  sites, to also share content with sites within that network. With Multi Content, Multi Site Content Management within Plate is taken to an even higher level.


Suppose you want to share a news release as a school group within the elementary or secondary school system with an updated policy on corona that applies to all schools within the group. Instead of sending this message to all individual school site administrators, you publish the news item on your website and select the school sites where the message should also appear. Changes you make are automatically made to the sites where the linked message appears.

Multi Content gives organizations that use content and websites at scale the ability to deploy certain content smartly from a centralized approach. It saves valuable time for Content Managers and reduces the risk of erroneous information.

In the first version of Multi Content, we make it possible to share pages between sites. In subsequent versions, it will be possible to reuse other Content Types, think sections and elements.

Want to stay informed about our developments on multi site and Reusable Content? Subscribe to our Dutch multisite newsletter.

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