Optimize and configure images

Smart Images

Content marketers are often struggling with images on their website. With Smart Images Plate offers a solution to optimize and configure images.

Automatic image compression

Automatic image compression

We offer image compression as a platform service and automatically scale all your images to the size needed for different positions within your website. Content editors can add images up to 16MB and Plate automatically scales the images down to the right viewports. This is beneficial for the content editor (less time spent on manual compression) and for the website visitor (faster load times). Plate automatically converts images to the Webp format as this speeds up website loading time.

Cropping images

Within Smart Images, it is possible to easily crop images. The cropping feature offers several standard crop ratios such as 2:3, 16:9 and 1:1, but also has a free crop ratio. This is useful, for example, if you want to highlight a part of the image or properly scale a header within your website.

Smart Images Plate Multisite

Get more out of images

Reuse of images

With Plate you can use 1 image multiple times in different locations in different formats. We automatically scale the image to the position where it will be used. If you resize the image in the media library, it will resize everywhere.

Image editing options

Plate offers content editors the ability to use different image editing options in the CMS. Depending on requirements, image options are configured within the theme. Some examples:

  • Rounded corners,
  • Gradient layer with custom color,
  • Specify the opacity of a colored layer,
  • Change an image to a circle,
  • Different animations.

Support for different image formats

Plate supports common image formats such as JPEG, PNG, Webp and GIF.